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If you are trying to find out which commercial washroom products require WRAS approval, we can help you identify the necessary fittings and ensure your project meets all compliance standards.

Dolphin offers a wide range of WRAS approved fittings as well as equivalent certified commercial washroom products, and our expert team often help our clients select the best solutions for their projects.

In this article, we will uncover the following:

What does WRAS stand for?

WRAS (Water Regulations Advisory Scheme) is an ISO 17065 accredited certification body in the UK that tests and evaluates plumbing products, water fittings, and materials to ensure they comply with The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations and Scottish Byelaws.

special finished gold taps at the Exchange House London

What does WRAS approved mean?

WRAS approved products have been rigorously tested in accredited laboratories against an appropriate British Standard for mechanical properties, durability, and potential to prevent contamination of drinking water, ensuring safe and efficient use in plumbing systems.

WRAS also provides certification to verify that products meet the compliance standards outlined in the legislation.

Floor mounted WC set at the Watches of Switzerland

Which water fittings can be WRAS approved?

A water fitting refers to any device or product designed to supply or utilise water from the public water supply system.
WRAS covers a wide range of water fittings used in a water system, from the connection to the public mains water supply up to the point of discharge.

Some WRAS approved fittings for commercial washrooms include:

PVD finished taps at Dolphin Solutions showroom

Must commercial washroom fittings be WRAS approved?

WRAS is a voluntary approval scheme and WRAS approved fittings are not the only way to ensure washroom products comply with The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.

KIWA is also recognised for testing, inspecting, and certifying products that come into contact with drinking water, ensuring they meet safety, quality, or environmental requirements.

However, there are situations where it is specified that you must install WRAS approved fittings. If in doubt, it is always best to consult with a professional plumber or the Local Water Authority before purchasing any commercial washroom products.

Requirements for water fittings

The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999 do not require anyone to remove, replace, modify, disconnect, or stop using any water fitting that was lawfully installed, in use, or capable of being used prior to 1st July 1999.

However, the installer, owner, or occupier of a building is responsible for ensuring that all water fittings comply with water regulations and byelaws. They must also demonstrate this compliance, as the legislation mandates that every water fitting meets the required standards of quality, is suitable for its intended use and will not cause or be likely to cause waste, misuse, undue consumption, contamination of water, or the inaccurate measurement of water supplied.

That is why it is beneficial to specify WRAS approved fittings because they are guaranteed to meet stringent quality and safety standards, ensuring reliable performance and compliance with water regulations.

Shower set at 10 Greycoat Place

Who enforces the water fittings regulations?

Local Water Authorities in the UK, such as Thames Water, South East Water, etc., enforce these regulations. They have the authority to inspect installations and ensure compliance.

If non-compliant water fittings are found, they can mandate corrective actions.

WRAS Approved products for commercial washrooms

If you are working on a commercial washroom refurbishment or new build and want to include compliant water fittings in your project, like WRAS approved taps, reach out to one of our washroom consultants.

They will guide you through our WRAS approved products list and other products that comply with the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations.

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