Reading time: 5 minutes

You have probably heard about the new Approved Document T in the Buildings Regulations 2010. However, you may be uncertain how this could impact your current washroom project and how to ensure that your new projects and washroom refurbishments meet the latest regulatory requirements.

As a leading provider of commercial washroom solutions, we supply compliant commercial washroom products and help architects, designers, and developers with their projects to meet Washroom Regulations.

In this article, you will learn what the Approved Document T is, why the amendments were made, what is included in the new Approved Document, when the Regulation will come into force, legal requirements and guidance, and where to find help to ensure you comply with Approved Document T.

What is Document Part T of the Building Regulations?

Approved Document T details the size, layout, fittings, and equipment for universal toilets (superloos), toilet cubicles, and ambulant toilets, to ensure the appropriate levels of safety, privacy and dignity in all situations.

The Secretary of State approved the new statutory guidance, Toilet Accommodation: Approved Document T, to help comply with Part T of Schedule 1 of the Building Regulations 2010.


Why were amendments made to the Building Regulations?

In 2023, the UK government initiated a brief technical consultation to gather opinions about the proposed changes regarding single-sex toilets from the public, the Building Safety Regulator, and other bodies representative of the interests concerned.

The consultation revealed strong support, with 81% in favour of single-sex toilet facilities and 82% endorsing universal toilets (in the world of commercial washroom design, a universal self contained toilet is known as a superloo).

As a result, the government amended the Building Regulations 2010 by introducing a new Approved Document, Toilet Accommodation, Part T into Schedule 1.

Blue and black themed superloo toilet installed with a behind mirror system

What is included in Document T toilet accommodation?

Six sections within Approved Document T include the Law: extract from the Building Regulations 2010, and Statutory Guidance:
Section 1: Application, guidance and performance
Section 2: Common design provisions

Approved Document T also identifies four types of toilet accommodation that are suitable for meeting the requirement T1.
Section 3: Type A – fully enclosed self-contained ambulant universal toilet
Section 4: Type B – fully enclosed self-contained universal toilet
Section 5: Type C – ambulant single-sex toilet cubicle (not self-contained)
Section 6: Type D – single-sex toilet cubicle (not self contained)

Ambulant superloo that is Document Part T compliant

When does Document T take effect?

Approved Document T will come into force on 1 October 2024, subject to the transitional provisions. Approved Document T only applies to buildings and building work in England.

What are the transitional provisions for Document T?

As per The Building (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2024 – Part T: circular issued by the Deputy Director for Building Performance, Department of Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, transitional provisions for Approved Document T are clarified as follows:

“The Amendment Regulations, new Approved Document, and new versions of Approved Document M (Access to and use of buildings) vol 2: buildings other than dwellings and Approved Document G (Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiency) do not apply where a building notice or an initial notice or an application for building control approval with full plans, has been given to the relevant authority in respect of that building before 1 October 2024 and either the building work to which it relates:

a. has started and is sufficiently progressed before that day; or
b. is started and is sufficiently progressed within the period of six months beginning on that day.

For the purpose of these transitional provisions, building work is to be regarded as ‘sufficiently progressed’:

a. where the building work consists of the construction of a building, when the pouring of concrete for the permanent placement of the trench, pad or raft foundations has started, or the permanent placement of piling has started; or
b. where the building work consists of work to an existing building, when that work has started; or
c. where the building work consists of a material change of use of a building, when work to effect that change of use has stated.”

Legal requirements and guidance for compliance

Approved Document T includes mandatory legal requirements and guidance.

The guidance in Approved Document T covers most, but not all, scenarios that building owners might encounter. In cases not addressed by Approved Document T, you and your advisers will need to carefully evaluate whether adhering to the guidance will ensure compliance with the new Building Regulations.

Document T approved superloo with an Alavo mirror sytem, copper finished washroom flush plate, and special finished SMART tap

Where to find the new Approved Documents

All the Approved Documents of the Building Regulations can be found on the UK government website.

Paper copies can be ordered from RIBA Bookshops

Need help to comply with Document T?

Assistance is available if you are uncertain about how to correctly apply the guidance from Approved Document T or if you do not fully understand the technical instructions, other information, or its detailed technical references.

  • Building Control Body
    Your building control body can often provide valuable assistance in various situations.
  • Competent Person Scheme
    If you are registered with a competent person scheme, the scheme operator should be able to assist.
  • Construction Professionals
    Hire or enlist the services of suitably qualified and experienced construction professionals as needed.
  • Commercial Washroom Consultants
    Consult the commercial washroom company handling your project. With their expertise and up-to-date knowledge of Washroom Regulations, they can provide valuable guidance on ensuring compliance.
A row of compliant commercial washroom cubicles and touch-free taps

Compliant and efficient commercial washroom design

If you need help with Approved Document T Washroom Regulations, designing separate male and female toilets, or ensuring your superloo layouts are compliant, contact our experienced commercial washroom consultants. They will be happy to answer all your questions.