04 November 2022
Reading time: 3 minutes
When choosing a Doc M pack, there is often confusion between a pack called by its wheelchair transfer technique or by its physical layout (right corner or left corner within the room). Some washroom companies refer to their Doc M packs as suitable for a right-hand and left-hand accessible washroom, and some, like Dolphin Solutions, refer to Doc M packs as a right or left-hand wheelchair transfer.
When we provide quotes and pictures of a Dolphin Doc M pack, we often get asked, “Is the pack depicted in the picture a right hand or left hand in the world of Dolphin?”. The key phrase of this question is “in the world of Dolphin” because this tells us that due to the different terminology used in the marketplace, designers are confused about which Doc M pack will fit their accessible washroom design.
We will explain why some Doc M packs are described as ‘transfer’, why others are described according to the type of accessible washroom layout, and what the right and left-hand accessible washroom transfer techniques are.

Why do some Doc M packs refer to the transfer technique and others the layout?
The truth is, Doc M packs for enlarged unisex accessible washrooms can fit both a right or left-hand corner layout, but when the description of a Doc M pack refers to the transfer technique and not the corner layout, this is when things become confusing.
Washroom companies like Dolphin Solutions describe Doc M packs as right or left-hand transfer because this is the terminology used in the British Standard BS 8300-2:2018. It refers to the manoeuvring technique that wheelchair users perform when moving onto the toilet from their wheelchair.
Other washroom companies may refer to their Doc M packs as a right or left-hand corner pack because this is usually based on the room’s physical layout to indicate which side the fittings go.
There are other descriptions used in the marketplace that refer to right and left-hand accessible washrooms that may also confuse the issue: Here are a few examples:
- Right and Left-hand accessible layout Pack
- Back To Wall Left or Right Hand Packs
- Doc M Wall Mounted Left or Right Hand Packs
- Right and Left corner Doc M Pack
- Doc M Standard Right and Left Hand Packs
- Right and Left-hand transfer Pack
What are the right and left-hand wheelchair transfer techniques
Now that you understand there is a difference between Doc M packs called by the transfer technique and those by the physical layout, let’s explain the right and left-hand transfer techniques in accessible washrooms as per BS 8300-2:2018:

Right-hand transfer accessible washroom
If the design includes the WC situated in the left corner, then the transfer technique is a right-hand transfer.
The wheelchair user moves from the left of the WC pan to sit on the right, which is why it is a right-hand transfer technique.
*Note – Washroom companies may call this a left-hand corner pack because the picture shows the WC in the left corner.

Left-hand transfer accessible washroom
If the design includes the WC situated in the right corner, the transfer technique is a left-hand transfer.
The wheelchair user moves from the right of the WC pan to sit on the left, which is why it is a left-hand transfer technique.
*Note – Washroom companies may call this a right-hand corner pack because the picture shows the WC in the right corner.

It’s all about wheelchair transfer to the WC
Right and left, left and right, we understand the different descriptions confuse those who are trying to choose the correct Doc M fittings for their layout. Remembering the wheelchair transfer technique will make it easier to determine which Doc M pack you need for a right or left-hand accessible washroom rather than focusing on pictures of a physical layout followed by the description.
A Doc M pack described as a transfer technique refers to the independent transfer manoeuvre from a wheelchair to a WC pan. It comes down to the side a person in a wheelchair will be to transfer onto the toilet. A Doc M pack described as a right and left-hand accessible washroom usually refers to the right or left corner layout where the Doc M toilet pan is situated.
BS8300 refers to the different transfer techniques, and we follow suit to communicate the exact definitions of British Standards as they are – there is no need to make it complicated.
Are you still confused about the transfer techniques for a right or left-hand accessible washroom? Our washroom specialists will gladly look at your design and confirm the transfer technique to help you plan your accessible washroom layout.
Download our Accessible Washroom / Doc M Layout Checklist
This will help you identify what items you need and ensure the wheelchair fittings and layout dimensions are compliant.
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