The shopping centre hosts a unique combination of retail and leisure, such as a 12 screen cinema and gymnasium. It also accommodates cafes and restaurants with a car park that offers 640 spaces, really proving itself as an all-day attraction for visitors.

Built in Harrow, a large suburban town in the London Borough of Harrow, a conservation area with listed buildings of Georgian architecture. St George’s shopping centre is a modern development to reflect the architecture of the 21st Century. However once inside the sweeping semi-spiral staircase and intricately designed railings complement the Georgian history of the town.

As the washrooms were being built from new and not refurbished from historical architecture, they could be really creative for their diverse range of customers that would need to use the washroom facilities. Dolphin worked with contractors Interfix Washrooms to transform the washroom areas into bright, clean and friendly environments.

Entrances to parent and child washrooms were fun and colourful to help create a non-threatening environment for small children. They chose the following Dolphin Alavo systems; Superloo, Double washstation, Triple washstation and Five washstation.

ALAVO is an excellent design for high traffic areas, keeping all the hand wash/hand drying accessories in one place, using infra-red, touch-free products to minimise germ spread whilst prompting intuitive use with symbols on the mirrors.

The superloo design is an Alavo unit within an enlarged cubicle so that the user can access the WC then wash and dry their hands within the cubicle. This is particularly successful for those who suffer from shy bladder syndrome and for parents with small children of the opposite sex, who may need to use the washroom themselves and take the child with them for safety.

The plain white background in the main cubicles gave the blue panel lighting around the Alavo units a real chance to shine within the washrooms, creating a pleasant washroom for customers.

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